Chapter 31

1 God spoke to Moses, saying,
2 Look, I have chosen Bezaleel, Uri’s son, Hur’s grandson, from the tribe of Judah.
3 I have filled him with God’s spirit, giving him wisdom, understanding, knowledge, and skill in all kinds of work.
4 To create clever works, to work with gold, silver, and bronze.
5 In cutting stones to place them, and in shaping wood to make all kinds of things.
6 I have also given Aholiab, son of Ahisamach from the tribe of Dan, to help him. And I have put wisdom in the minds of all skilled workers so they can make everything I have told you.
7 The meeting tent, the box of the agreement, the cover on top of it, and all the things inside the tent.
8 The table and its items, the pure lampstand with all its items, and the incense altar.
9 The altar for burnt offerings with all its equipment, and the basin and its stand.
10 The work clothes, the special clothes for Aaron the priest, and the clothes for his sons to serve as priests.
11 You will also need the special oil for anointing and the fragrant incense for the sacred place; they must do everything I have told you.
12 God spoke to Moses and said,
13 Tell the people of Israel this: You must keep my Sabbaths, for they are a sign between us for all time, to show that I, God, make you holy.
14 Keep the Sabbath because it is sacred to you. Anyone who disrespects it will be put to death. If anyone does work on that day, they will be separated from their people.
15 You can work for six days; but the seventh day is a rest day, special to God: if anyone works on that day, they must be put to death.
16 So the children of Israel must keep the Sabbath and always remember to observe the Sabbath as a lasting agreement.
17 This is a sign between me and the people of Israel forever: because in six days God made the sky and land, and on the seventh day he rested and felt renewed.
18 God gave Moses two stone tablets with His laws after speaking to him on Mount Sinai.